Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Other editions. Enlarge cover. Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Details if other :. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. David H. Perrin ,. Richard Ray Jr. Updated and invigorated, Management Strategies in Athletic Training, Third Edition, helps readers deal creatively with the management challenges athletic trainers face on the job.
Like its predecessor, the new edition uses a case-study approach to teach students theories of organization and administration and to apply them to real-world situations in the profession of ath Updated and invigorated, Management Strategies in Athletic Training, Third Edition, helps readers deal creatively with the management challenges athletic trainers face on the job. Like its predecessor, the new edition uses a case-study approach to teach students theories of organization and administration and to apply them to real-world situations in the profession of athletic training.
The text, part of Human Kinetics' Athletic Training Education Series, is an excellent resource for athletic trainers who want comprehensive knowledge of management theory and practice. The book's organization strategies can also be applied beyond athletic training to a variety of fields related to sports medicine, making it a valuable resource for any sports medicine professional.
In addition to 10 updated chapters, Management Strategies in Athletic Training, Third Edition, offers new sections on finding a job and planning conferences, plus current coverage of -health insurance concerns, -new administrative standards from the National Athletic Trainers' Association NATA , -prescription medications, -application of the Americans with Disabilities Act, -computer hardware and software applications, -reimbursement for athletic training services, and -emergency action plans.
Designed to encourage critical thinking, Management Strategies in Athletic Training, Third Edition, opens and closes each chapter with realistic and fascinating case studies presenting real-world dilemmas faced by athletic trainers. Students are challenged to analyze and apply the principles in the chapters to solve the kinds of problems they'll face from day to day as professionals.
To support learning, the text includes tools such as chapter objectives, boldfaced key terms, review statements for each major section, a running glossary as well as a complete glossary at the end of the book, chapter summaries, sample administrative forms that readers can both study and adapt to their own work situations, review questions, and an index. Special elements and appendixes also provide direction for deeper study by referring students to Internet resources, other Athletic Training Education Series texts, sample forms for athletic training program analysis, and material on regulations and ethics in athletic training.
The instructor guide is loaded with additional case studies, course projects, chapter worksheets, and a sample course syllabus, all of which can be used for organizing classes, testing students' knowledge, and creating exciting learning experiences.
A test bank also is included. Human Kinetics' Athletic Training Education Series contains five outstanding textbooks, each with its own superb supporting instructional resources. Featuring the work of respected athletic training authorities, the series was created to parallel and expound on the content areas established by the NATA Educational Council.
To learn more about the books in this series, visit the Athletic Training Education Series Web site at www. Get A Copy. Unknown Binding , 3rd Edition , pages. More Details Original Title. Other Editions 2. Friend Reviews.
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Write a review Rate this item: 1 2 3 4 5. Preview this item Preview this item. Allow this favorite library to be seen by others Keep this favorite library private. Save Cancel. Find a copy in the library Finding libraries that hold this item Aimed at all athletic trainers, and those who are studying to move into the profession, Management Strategies in Athletic Training, 5th Edition addresses the many administrative and managerial challenges they are likely to face.
Read more Reviews User-contributed reviews Add a review and share your thoughts with other readers. Be the first. Add a review and share your thoughts with other readers. Tags Add tags for "Management strategies in athletic training". Similar Items Related Subjects: 6 Athletic trainers. Sport Training Management. All rights reserved. Please sign in to WorldCat Don't have an account?
Remember me on this computer. Cancel Forgot your password? Jeff G Konin ; Richard Ray. Print book : English : Fifth edition View all editions and formats. Resource added for the Wellness and Health Promotion program Athletic trainers. View all subjects.
Similar Items. Online version: Ray, Richard, Management strategies in athletic training. The profession of athletic training -- Principles of management -- Program management -- Human resource management -- Financial resource management -- Facility design and planning -- Information management -- Revenue for health care services -- Ethics in sports medicine -- Legal considerations in sports medicine -- Professional Advocacy -- Administration of clinical policies and procedures -- Pre-participation physical examinations -- Drug education and testing -- Emergency action planning.