Kind regards, -Kane. Join our community to see this answer! Unlock 1 Answer and 4 Comments. Andrew Hancock - VMware vExpert. See if this solution works for you by signing up for a 7 day free trial. What do I get with a subscription? With your subscription - you'll gain access to our exclusive IT community of thousands of IT pros. If it is indeed hardware, we'll move the thread.
In the meantime, looking for non hardware causes, can you pinpoint about when this started? Did it start with the MS Updates? Always a possibility that updates have unintended side effects. You can also see if it's any IE add-on that's a problem. Most likely not the problem, but worth a check.
And if you're feel comfortable in uninstalling the MS Updates, worth a shot. Log in or Sign up to hide this advert. I would borrow a different mouse to try, although, if there is any special software installed for running the mouse, that loads at startup, it may need to be disabled check the icons in the Notification Tray.
Thank you both for looking at my problem. Since my first post, I have confirmed that my mouse had nothing to do with it. It's just that when something freezes, you find out only by trying to do something with the mouse. I also reinstalled Java, got the latest in the process, but the problem persists. I suspect it has to do with the Windows updates that I installed a couple of weeks ago.
I will try uninstalling the 3 which were listed as suspicious in the KB article given in alboy's thread. I'll let you know if that stops the freezing. It is disabled greyed-out becuase you are in the no add-on mode. December 23rd, , PM 5. December 24th, , AM 6. Originally Posted by SuperSparks. December 24th, , PM 7.
It is a normal IE shortcut with " -extoff" without the quotes appended to the target line. Removing that switch should make it revert to normal IE. Feedback Doctor's Lounge. In this form, "xxxx", "yyyy", and "zzzz" are four-digit numbers that identify the specific version of Java Plug-in to be used.
I'd give all the responses here a try first. But I wanted to just throw in what I do, just in case these do not work for you. I've tried to solve the same problem you're having before, and in the end, what I decided on doing is to have only one JRE installed on my system at a given time. I do have about 10 different JDKs 1. You will need to run the jpicpl Use the deployment Toolkit 's deployJava. You can specify the family of JRE to be used.
Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams? Collectives on Stack Overflow. Learn more. Ask Question. Asked 13 years, 4 months ago. Active 4 years, 10 months ago. Viewed k times.