Again rotate flywheel. Turn engine over and pour alcohol into spark plug openings and again rotate flywheel. Turn engine over place spark plug opening down and pour engine oil into throat of carburetors while rotating flywheel to distribute oil throughout crankcase.
Again turn engine over and pour approximately one teaspoon of engine oil into each spark plug opening. Again rotate flywheel to distribute oil in cylinders. Remove and clean carburetors and fuel pump assembly. Reinstall spark plugs, carburetors and fuel pump. Attempt to start engine, using a fresh fuel source.
If engine starts, it should be run for at least one hour to eliminate any water in engine. If engine fails to start, determine cause fuel, electrical or mechanical. DO NOT allow engine to remain idle for more than 2 hours, as serious internal damage will occur.
If unable to start engine in this period, disassemble engine and clean all parts and apply oil as soon as possible.
This will eliminate possibility of accidental starting of engine and resultant overheating and damage to engine from lack of water.
In preparing an outboard for out-of-season storage, 2 precautions must be considered: 1 The engine must be protected from physical damage and 2 the engine must be protected from rust, corrosion and dirt. Remove cowling from engine. Start engine and allow to warm up. Disconnect fuel line.
When engine starts to stall quickly spray Quicksilver Storage Seal into each carburetor throat. Continue to spray until engine dies from lack of fuel. Remove spark plugs and inject a 5 second spray of Quicksilver Storage Seal around the inside of each cylinder. Manually turn engine over several times to distribute Storage Seal throughout cylinders. Reinstall spark plugs.
If engine fuel filter appears to be contaminated, remove and replace. Clean outboard thoroughly, including all accessible powerhead parts, and spray with Corrosion and Rust Preventive. Remove propeller. If the water pickup is clogged, the speedometer will be inoperative. Clean the pickup with a piece of wire or blow out with compressed air.
Before blowing out with air, disconnect the tubing from the speedometer. To prevent freeze damage, drain the speedometer system of water completely before storage.
Remove tubing from speedometer fitting and blow thru the tubing to remove water. For out-of-season storage information on Autoblend units, refer to Section 8 in this service manual. If a speedometer is installed in the boat, disconnect the pickup tube and allow it to drain. Reconnect the tube after draining. Check and refill gear housing with Quicksilver Gear Lube before storage to protect against possible water leakage into gear housing which is caused by loose lubricant vent plug or loose grease fill plug.
Inspect gaskets under lubricant vent and fill plugs, replacing any damaged gaskets, before reinstalling plugs. Out-of-Season Battery Storage 1. Remove battery as soon as possible and remove all grease, sulfate and dirt from top surface.
Cover terminal bolts well with grease. Remove battery from storage every 60 days. Check water level and place on charge for 5 to 6 hours at 6 amperes. DO NOT fast charge. Corporations internationally have settled on adoption of I. International Standards Organization engine test standards, as set forth in I. Summer Conditions of high temperature, low barometric pressure and high humidity all combine to reduce the engine power.
This, in turn, is reflected in decreased boat speeds--as much as 2 or 3 miles-perhour 3 or 5 Km per-hour in some cases. Refer to previous chart. Nothing will regain this speed for the boater, but the coming of cool, dry weather.
The horsepower, that any internal combustion engine produces, depends upon the density of the air that it consumes and, in turn, this density is dependent upon the temperature of the air, its barometric pressure and water vapor or humidity content. Accompanying this weather-inspired loss of power is a second but more subtle loss.
At rigging time in early spring, the engine was equipped with a propeller that allowed the engine to turn within its recommended RPM range at full throttle. With the coming of the summer weather and the consequent drop in available horsepower, this propeller will, in effect, become too large. Consequently, the engine operates at less than its recommended RPM.
It is a known fact that weather conditions exert a profound effect on power output of internal combustion engines. Therefore, established horsepower ratings refer to the power that the engine will produce at its rated RPM under a specific combination of weather conditions. This secondary loss, however, can be regained by switching to a smaller pitch propeller that allows the engine to again run at recommended RPM.
For boaters to realize optimum engine performance under changing weather conditions, it is essential that the engine have the proper propeller to allow it to operate at or near the top end of the recommended maximum RPM range at wide-open-throttle with a normal boat load. Not only does this allow the engine to develop full power, but equally important is the fact that the engine also will be operating in an RPM range that discourages damaging detonation.
This, of course, enhances overall reliability and durability of the engine. Conditions Affecting Operation 1. Shifting weight to the rear stern 1. Generally increases top speed. If in excess, can cause the boat to porpoise. Can make the bow bounce excessively in choppy water. Will increase the danger of the following wave splashing into the boat when coming off plane. Shifting weight to the front bow 1. Improves ease of planing off. If excessive, can make the boat veer left and right bow steer.
Boat Bottom: For maximum speed, a boat bottom should be nearly a flat plane where it contacts the water and particularly straight and smooth in fore-and-aft direction. Hook: Exists when bottom is concave in foreand-aft direction when viewed from the side. Rocker: The reverse of hook and much less common. Surface Roughness: Moss, barnacles, etc.
Clean surfaces when necessary. Gear Housing: If unit is left in the water, marine vegetation may accumulate over a period of time in certain types of water. This growth must be removed from unit before operation, as it may clog the water inlet holes in the gear housing and cause the engine to overheat. Detonation creates severe, untimely, shock waves in the engine, and these shock waves often find or create a weakness: The dome of a piston, piston rings or piston ring lands, piston pin and roller bearings.
While there are many causes for detonation in a 2-cycle engine, emphasis is placed on those causes which are most common in marine 2-cycle application. A few, which are not commonly understood, are:. Compression check is important because an engine with low or uneven compression cannot be tuned successfully to give peak performance. It is essential, therefore, that improper compression be corrected before proceeding with an engine tune-up. Over-advanced ignition timing.
Use of low octane gasoline. Propeller pitch too high engine RPM below recommended maximum range. Lean fuel mixture at or near wide-open-throttle. Spark plugs heat range too hot — incorrect reach — cross-firing. Check and record compression of each cylinder. Variation of more than 15 psi Inadequate engine cooling deteriorated cooling system.
Detonation usually can be prevented, provided that 1 the engine is correctly set up and 2 diligent maintenance is applied to combat the detonation causes, listed, preceding. Table Of Contents Description.
Test Procedures. Troubleshooting Tips. Test Sequence. Ignition System Test Chart. Stator Test. Ignition Coil Test. Trigger Test. Ignition Key Switch Test. Commander Key Switch. Ignition Components Removal and Installation. The outboard ignition system is alternator-driven with distributor-less capacitor discharge.
Major components of the ignition system are the flywheel, stator, trigger, switch box, ignition coils and spark plugs. The stator assembly is mounted stationary below the flywheel and has 2 capacitor charging coils. The flywheel is fitted with permanent magnets inside the outer rim. As the flywheel rotates the permanent magnets pass the capacitor charging coils. This causes the capacitor charging coils to produce AC voltage.
The AC voltage then is conducted to the switch box where it is rectified and stored in a capacitor. The trigger assembly also mounted under the flywheel has 3 coils. The flywheel has a second set of permanent magnets located around the center hub. As the flywheel rotates the second set of magnets pass the trigger coils. The switch discharges the capacitor voltage into the ignition coil at the correct time and firing order sequence.
Capacitor voltage is conducted to the primary side of the ignition coil. The ignition coil multiplies this voltage high enough to jump the gap at the spark plug. The preceding sequence occurs once-per-enginerevolution for each cylinder. To assure personal safety, each individual spark plug lead should be grounded to engine. Use test leads supplied with meter.
Test Sequence 1-A Check primary input voltage to coils. See Test Chart. No spark or weak spark. COIL is bad. Spark is OK, proceed with Step 1-C. If either the low speed or high speed reading to switch box is BELOW specification, Stator or Switch Box is bad test stator as outlined in this service manual section; if stator checks to specification replace switch box and repeat check. If problem exists after replacing spark plugs, proceed with Step 1-D. If ignition checks to specification and engine does not run or runs poorly, trouble exists with fuel system or engine mechanical.
Disconnect ignition switch and stop switch leads from switch box and isolate the leads. Repeat check in Step 2-A. ALL tests are performed with lead wires connected — terminals exposed. DO NOT reverse battery cable connections. The battery negative cable is - ground. Each Mercury boat engine is a combination of speed, power and the highest quality. Chris bullard Wednesday, 29 December Irene Barry Tuesday, 28 December I am looking for a service manual for a Force 80 2 stroke boat motor.
Jeremy Saturday, 25 December C Wheatley Friday, 24 December I am looking for a service manual for a Mercury Bigfoot 4 Stroke Outboard motor.
Gary Sunday, 12 December Hello, can i get a english download for a Mercury 60HP Bigfoot 4 stroke. Jeff Sunday, 21 November Mark Saturday, 20 November Thomas Kuhn Tuesday, 02 November I boat a used Mercury 25hp 2 stroke outboard. I "think" it was built in George Bushell Sunday, 24 October I am looking for a service owners manual for a Mercury 2.
David Miller Friday, 22 October Michael Williams Sunday, 17 October I'm looking for a service manual for 93 Mercury 35hp out board. S Bob Yogis Saturday, 09 October Please advise if either or these are available. Ian Cunningham Saturday, 09 October Information on engine: 8M EPA 90hp 1. Daniel Shields Wednesday, 06 October Best Daniel. Edwin tkacs Saturday, 25 September Geoff Thursday, 09 September Troy Tuesday, 07 September Is I am looking for a service manual or repair manual for a Mercury horsepower thunderbolt outboard is outboard Motor.
If can you tell me if you have this for download? David Friday, 27 August Darren Stewart Wednesday, 25 August Looking for service manual for 90hp mercury out board model1FD.
Please advise if available and provide detail where to obtain. Thank you Darren. Bill Greene Monday, 23 August How do i get owners manual for Mercury outboard model 1ABK ser. John Reynolds Monday, 23 August George R. Friday, 20 August Hi, I'm looking for the service manual or any manuals available for Mercury Classic 50hp 4cyl 2 stroke in English. Thank you so much for any help. Brian Saturday, 14 August Just bought, which manual applies, if any? Jeff Woll Thursday, 05 August I don't see any information on my in this manual.
Can you please help explain why? Thank You. Donald Long Tuesday, 03 August Kelly Austin Monday, 02 August I paid for a Mercury manual down load on paypal and tried to down load the manual and got nothing.
Michael Monday, 02 August Serial Belgium In there is no complete manual available, only the values for ignition will do great. Reds Michael. Eddie Schwartz Saturday, 31 July Tim Jones Sunday, 25 July Doug Miller Friday, 23 July Zac Shirley Friday, 16 July I am looking for a service manual for a Mercury v6 outboard. It is a carb motor and the oil injection system has been removed due to many stories of failures with them.
The serial number starts with a I think? I if it wasn't raining I would have had it when I wrote this! Sorry about that Any help would be awesome! Thanks Zac Shirley zs. Rick Bethel Wednesday, 14 July I'm looking for upper engine mounts for my 20hp outboard mercury where can I get these?
Chris Catinella Monday, 12 July Looking for the service manual for a Mercury hp EFI 4-stroke outboard. Tom Scarbro Sunday, 11 July Andrew engel Tuesday, 06 July Thomas Josway Monday, 05 July I'm looking for a engine manual for a 40 merc 2 stroke injected outboard. I'm having trouble with the choke. Mark Noone Wednesday, 30 June Looking for any manuals relating to my Boston Whaler Dauntless 20 and the Mercury hp Offshore motor.
Jim Corbett Tuesday, 29 June Any ideas? Dane Tuders Thursday, 03 June Hahahaha, like I care that when you download one of your manuals, that it is in russian!! That's because you dont want to make it easy to get manuals, dur to the fact that all parties involved except the customer are in Cahoots with one another so as to continue to be able to charge the customer ansolutely absurd amounts of money to fix their boats, and you above all never want them to save money and fix it themselves.
So you put in Russian big effing deal. I simply downloaded the translator app on my iPad chose the camera option, and it reads just like a kids book.
So screw you and screw all of you in the boat industry your days of screwing over customers are over! Emmett Dillon Wednesday, 26 May I am looking for a manual for a Blackmax XR4 hp? Alan Tessier Tuesday, 25 May Looking for a repair manual with wiring diagram for a Mercury hp, EFI, 4 stroke. Randy Tuesday, 11 May It a rpm made in Wi Thanks bikiniiikiller yahoo.
Hello my elpto was stalling at idle i adjusted the idle timing screw it seem to idle better is that ok or us that something you shouldn't touch. Paul Hayman Sunday, 25 April Bill Moore Thursday, 22 April I have 1 a Mercury 20 4stroke tiller outboard. Not sure which I need for this motor. Amy Sunday, 18 April Chad Gutzke Saturday, 17 April Maxime Robitaille Friday, 16 April Looking for a 9.
Curt J Scheiter Friday, 16 April Kenneth A Ekker Sunday, 11 April I am looking for a Manual for a 85 hp mercury, Serial No. KV Tuesday, 06 April Need to adjust timing to proper specs. Larry Wednesday, 31 March Hello - I am looking for this service manual please - Actual part number from Mercury is Please email me at justicesl hotmail.
Thank you. Alain Sunday, 28 March John reed Friday, 26 March Having problems with my joke cell annoyed not working when I give it throttle floods out at half throttle.
Bengt Sandstrom Friday, 26 March Could you please provide the Service manual for a Mariner 60 hp outboard motor.
Motor number: Dave H Tuesday, 23 March Gene O'Neil Monday, 15 March The one that I'm seeing here close to what I need is not written in English. Paul Robinson Sunday, 14 March Hi, The manual I need is here, the 2 stroke, but I have purchased it before and downloaded it before and it is always missing chapter 4B for the 4 cyl power head.
Does anybody know where I can get this section from. Leandri Saturday, 13 March Looking for a repair manual or any manuals available for Mercury 40hp 4cyl 2 stroke in English. Thank you so much. Raymond Sater Monday, 15 February I recently purchased a 9.
Sandra Monday, 08 February Cold you tell me which maintenance manual to download for my motor? Can you send me link on my mail Nikos65D gmail. Alscroggs gmail. Could you please provide the manual for a Mercury 60 hp outboard motor. Jacky Casteel Wednesday, 03 February Harry Wednesday, 27 January Hi, Could you please provide the manual for mercury Hp V6 black max service manual.
Larry Wells Tuesday, 19 January Looking for an owners manual or any manuals available for Mercury 50hp 4cyl 2 stroke in English. Appreciate all your help. Thank you! Aaron owens Monday, 18 January Thomasobb hotmail. Hi do you happen to have a service manual for a mercury 90hp, 3 cyl, 2 stroke? Any help would be greatly apretiated. Thomas obb Tuesday, 12 January Kindly help. Steven Seguro Saturday, 31 October Hello, The Russian manual was a very good start.
Do you happen to have one that is written in English? Thanks in advance. Rodel Villaluz Wednesday, 21 October I need service manual of mercury outboard motor from the lowest how to the highest HP. I need a service manual of mercury from the lowest how to the highest HP. How can I get. Rich W Tuesday, 20 October I'm looking for a service manual for a Mercury Outboard 9. Thank you in advance.