The graphics used to depict the gritty underground racing scene is a highlight. Cars effortlessly gleam off the neon lights during night races. Although the game was a commercial success and tons of fun to play, the multiplayer aspect held the game back. Connectivity issues were too much of an influence over online races.
With Skate 3 we have a video game that has reached cult classic status due to the support from passionate fans across the world. Something unexpected occurred and fans clamored to play the new Skate game. Looking back on the event we now know the rise in popularity of skate culture is heavily linked to the success of Skate 3. Fans have been demanding a follow up for years. Ten years later, Electronic Arts has finally broken their silence by announcing Skate 4 is in development.
There is no better time to recapture the glory of Skate 3 than right now. First and foremost, the open world is brimming with life. The vibrant colors on display are a joy to witness via the third person camera.
It is no coincidence the gameplay takes place in an open world. Not having access to certain areas would be a shame amongst the gorgeous landscape. Players skate around a variety of environments, urban otherwise, executing numerous tricks to stack up points. If you get bored from the cityscape, you may venture into an industrial area. For a game that essentially forces you to repeat actions while skating, it is important to include some variety via different locations.
It is disappointing that the multiplayer mode must be purchased separately seeing as it is a resounding success. The depth and hours of gameplay multiplayer offers is well worth the purchase. The zombie craze was taking over the entertainment industry and Valve did not shy away from this trend. In fact, Valve knew they had such a hot property after the release of the original game back in and immediately worked on developing a sequel.
Left 4 Dead 2 released exactly one year after its predecessor and improved on it in every way imaginable. Survival horror games were nothing new, however, Left 4 Dead 2 took the genre to new heights off the back of its innovative cooperative gameplay.
The story follows four survivors of an apocalyptic scenario that has turned the majority of humans into zombies. There are five different campaigns worked into this single title. The idea behind each campaign is to reach a safe point where the survivors can rest. Navigating areas becomes a real challenge and more importantly the first person camera creates a genuine frightening quality. Due to this game being a first-person shooter, the action appears up close and personal.
The game is no stranger to scenes of gore and violence. In fact, the game has been banned in several countries. Left 4 Dead 2 is made for cooperative play. It is simply not as fun to play any other way. You can still run through levels on your own, as any of the survivors not controlled by players will revert to acting as friendly AI. Valve put a ton of attention to detail in their weapons, which are a huge appeal of Left 4 Dead 2 's strategic gameplay.
Not all of the game modes are a success. The campaign is the clear frontrunner and all else hollows in comparison. All in all, Left 4 Dead 2 is a highly enjoyable game geared for brilliant cooperative play. The third iteration of Guitar Hero launched the franchise into the stratosphere. This game was released to the public at the peak of the rhythm genre craze. The concept is quite simple to grasp. The player uses a controller shaped like a guitar in order to play the correct notes at the right time as they scroll across the screen.
Three core elements make this game a must-play. The first is the catalog of songs. Players can dive into a whopping total of 73 songs. Not only is the catalog filled with memorable songs at launch but the developers also offered continued DLC content. Players could download additional songs of their choice after launch. However, once you get a few games under your belt you can comfortably tackle easy mode. The varying modes on offer were perfectly spaced out. Players could choose from easy, medium, hard, and finally expert.
Each level would perfectly test the player's skill. Only the masterful gamers would reach expert mode.
Lastly, the varying game modes meant that the game never felt stale. Players can enjoy the short albeit extremely fun career mode in either single-player or co-op. Finally, the multiplayer mode offered players a ton of replay value. Fable III is the third installment of the franchise and is oftentimes remembered as the greatest. Players truly witnessed a compelling narrative develop before their eyes. The protagonist is tasked with overthrowing an evil King.
Once the successful uprising is complete, the player then assumes control of the throne. It is an all-encompassing story that begins as a revolution and continues as you command an entire kingdom. As you could imagine with a game that delivers such an extensive narrative, it does take some time to build up. However, this slow buildup is certainly worth the wait. The environments are imbued with such vibrant personalities.
From a small village to castles every detail looks fantastic. Fable III is all about building relationships and alliances. Therefore, interacting with characters is a vital aspect of the game. What makes Fable so special is that you are always in control. Although combat is not the main attraction, it does occur often.
Players can attack with short-range, long-range, or magic options. Different weapons will be available to you throughout the game. Unfortunately, the combat mechanics were criticized for being overly simple. In truth, the game would have benefited from a more complex system. Thus, the voice acting is a major selling point of the series.
It seems as though the Batman: Arkham series appeared out of thin air. It is safe to say at the time nobody was truly asking for a Batman video game series. Its sequel Arkham City quickly became a highly anticipated instalment. As a stealth game, the camera angle was always going to be a legitimate concern. It is no surprise that a third-person perspective is utilized. This way, players control Batman as the camera freely rotates around him.
The camera motion is smooth and rarely hinders stealth gameplay. Even in the shadowy locations, enemies remain visible. Combat is immensely satisfying this time around. It is up to the player to counter blows and attack in real time. Striking down enemies is tons of fun. It hits the perfect balance between button mashing and strategy. Certain enemies can only be taken down in specific circumstances.
Therefore, combat variety is also taken into account. For a campaign centric game, Arkham City has surprising replay value. In addition to its 40 hours of core gameplay, a new game plus mode is unlocked after completing the game.
This mode sees an increase in difficulty, as enemies are stronger. Luckily you can keep the equipment used in the first play through. As expected for a game based on comic book material, most of the voice acting borders on corny and ridiculous.
Often times the dialogue will have you cringing. This leads into the following issue of too many characters. The number of characters distracts from the storytelling.
It feels as though most are thrown in for fan service purposes. Fallout 3 is credited with reviving the franchise after being dormant for ten years. Most people are unaware that the Fallout franchise debuted back in The franchise never broke through the mainstream.
That is until the release of Fallout 3. The game released in would propel the franchise into much deserved critical and commercial success. As a survivor of a nuclear apocalypse the protagonist lives underground as most survivors do.
Forced to flee his safe haven, the protagonist must venture to the world above to find his father who mysteriously disappears.
This plotline sets up the perfect premise for an open world game. The first-person camera and open-world environment work extremely well in tandem. However, Fallout 3 provides the unique option to let the player decide between first person or third person camera. Very few games allow for this optional preference. The desolate wasteland is truly a shocking sight to see whether in first- or third-person.
Due to the repetitive nature of combat and enemies, combat quickly feels stale after a few hours of gameplay. Thankfully, the desire to level up your character pushes you through the majority of combat and eases the pain of repetitive battle. This has more to do with the sound effects than it does the in game music.
The creepy noises that can be heard throughout the game add to the loneliness of your surroundings. With the human population nearly extinct, the world is a hollow ground and the soundtrack perfectly captures this feeling. Although Fallout 3 won Game of the Year in , a disappointing ending keeps it from being one of the greatest games of all-time. Additional Info : Item Dimensions Height 7. I am Ezio Auditore Da Firenze.
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Final Thoughts best action games for xbox is a fun, convenient way to get your job done. Go to mobile version. Lost Planet 2 — Xbox…. Armored Core V — Xbox…. Unfortunately, it was a one-and-done reboot as it never got a sequel. It was still a great adrenaline rush especially on the tracks where avalanches chased players. Now is a good time to give this game a second, or even a first, chance. SSX is great alone but better with friends. The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings was the first game in the Witcher series to hit consoles.
It was released on April 17, for Xbox , a year after the PC release. Since it broke new ground for consoles, though, it still deserves to be celebrated this year. It all comes back to The Witcher 2 and the success it brought to the genre. Rockstar Games remains tight-lipped about its next original project, but it still has some products confirmed for release in Tristan Jurkovich began his career as a journalist in Check it out!
What to Expect From Rockstar Games in Rockstar Games remains tight-lipped about its next original project, but it still has some products confirmed for release in Share Share Tweet Email. Tristan Jurkovich Articles Published.