Enter the path to a folder where you want to store the project and type in a project name. Select Mimas and 2. You can set the Optimization strategy to Area or Throughput. Click Next to proceed to the next page of the wizard.
In the next page, you will have an option to select peripherals as shown in the image below. Leave everything in this page to its defaults and click Finish. At this point, XPS will generate the system for you and you will be presented with a window like below.
But all other peripherals are connected to AXI Lite. To make this system work with Mimas V2 there is certain customization we need to do. The first change we need to make is the UART baud rate. Please see the image below to exact settings. This will allow us to reset the processor anytime by pressing switch SW3. This step may take a few minutes to a few tens of minutes depending on the speed of your computer.
At this point, we have the hardware system ready. So our next step is to write some code and build it. We will use Xilinx SDK to write and compile code for the hardware platform we just built.
When asked to choose a workspace, enter a convenient directory where you would like the projects files to be stored. You will be presented with a window like shown below. Select create new from the Hardware Platform combo box. A new window will appear where we need to create a new Hardware Project.
Click on the Browse button and browse to the directory where the XPS project was saved earlier. This wizard will automatically populate a project name, we will leave it unchanged. Click Finish button to go back to the Application Project Wizard. Back in the application project wizard, enter a project name and leave all other settings to defaults as shown in the image below.
Click next to go to the last page in the application project Wizard. SDK will create a workspace and add three projects to it. All projects can be viewed in Eclipse Project Explorer as below. In the image below, you can see three projects. Project on the top is the hardware platform. These files are copied directly from the directory where XPS exported the hardware system to. The one below is the application project that we will be working on. The libraries and include files necessary for our application to work are stored under this project.
If everything went fine so far, the project should build with no errors. Again this is a working project which can be downloaded and tested on hardware without any modifications. If you would like to see the code, go to src folder under the ddrdemoapp project and open the source files listed there.
Once the project is successfully created, SDK will build the program on its own. Once all these three files are copied to a common folder, open command line prompt and move to that folder. Follow the two steps below to generate the final bin file. Make sure to replace xx. If the command was successful, you will see a few new files generated in the folder.
We will use this file to configure Mimas V2. Once the board is programmed, put the slider switch on Mimas V2 into normal mode and connect to the COM port corresponding to the board using any serial terminal emulation software such as Hyperterminal or TeraTerm.
Then press the switch SW3 to reset the processor. If everything went well so far, you should see the following test results printed on the terminal. Yes, delete it Cancel. About Us Contact Hackaday.
By using our website and services, you expressly agree to the placement of our performance, functionality, and advertising cookies. Learn More. Sign up Log in. Creating, configuring and building memory controller core and test program on Xilinx ISE You will need the following tools to implement this project. Editing user constraints Right now we are going to use the example design generated by MIG. This change is necessary because Mimas V2 uses 3.
So what am I doing wrong? Any help would be highly appreciated! Bart Reply Start a New Thread. Hi here is the start and end of the mem file line 1 2 3 2E 4 2C So this is an 18 bit data file. I don't know if this helps but I used Simgen to generate the bmm file for MicroBlaze.
What surprises me most is the error message that the code segment occupies from 0x0 to 0x9ff, whereas the mem file is really only lines of data, each being 5 nibbles, line 1 2 3 2E 4 2C So it doesn't realize those things are 18 bit words! I hope someone comes up with the answer. Thanks for thinking with me. Quality and Reliability : We offer complete solutions and services to our customers. We work together through partnerships with customers, suppliers, using leading systems, technologies and methods and by fully engaging Xilinx employees in a culture of continual improvement.
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