Take a look! Cheers, Geoffrey O. How satisfied are you with this reply? Thanks for your feedback, it helps us improve the site. Hi, how are you friend? I recommend that you uninstall the game and install it again, if you have a clean physical cd and if you can clean the xbox disk, it can also be a system error to run the game.
If not, try the next solution. The green boot-up animation should display on the screen. Try playing the game again Does this help? If not, you can try the next solution.
This should only be used as a last resort solution. If successful, you may have to repeat some general console set-up steps before getting back to the Home screen. Try and play your game again after this. Yes, the Xbox One can access the Internet through a wireless connection and it is equipped with an integrated Wi-Fi Direct that automatically connects to your router. Bonus tip: match your Xbox with a VPN for private streaming. The console was designated by Microsoft as an all-in-one entertainment device that includes other capacities on top of gameplay such as browsing the internet, hosting video calls, or playing TV shows and movies.
Commenting as. Not you? Save information for future comments. Microsoft says it's investigating the issues with the unresponsive Guide button. Does your Xbox One S refuse to play games? The problem might be anywhere from your user profile, to the game disc or even the console itself. If you need a helping hand with your troubleshooting, you have come to the right place.
Detailed steps on how to pinpoint the issue and solve it accordingly are awaiting for you below. To begin troubleshooting any of these issues, first see if there are any known issues that might be affecting your gameplay. Collapse all. Step 1: Check for known issues. Check for service outages:.
Xbox status page. Known issues for game launches. If you see an error code , enter the code in search results to find out how to troubleshoot it.
Search results. Troubleshoot game or app installation problems on your Xbox console. Troubleshoot problems playing a disc. If none of these steps correct the issue, continue to the next step. Step 2: Restart the game. Sometimes a game freeze or startup problem can be caused by a temporary issue that can be corrected simply by exiting and restarting the game. If the game is running, try exiting to the Home screen. Note Some game freezes can keep you from exiting the game.
Try to restart the game. Step 3: Power cycle your console. Try power cycling your Xbox. A full power cycle completely reboots your console. Doing this does not erase any of your games or data. Make sure you hold the power button for at least 10 seconds until the console completely shuts down. Step 4: Test your network connection.