Every great set of user documents starts with a plan. Here are some tips on how to get where you want to go. Many people assume that if you know your product, you can just start creating your documentation. The answers to those questions shape how you create your documentation. Planning ensures a smooth process and a better user document.
Rely on your subject matter experts for the more in-depth knowledge, but you should know how to use it yourself before you try to teach someone else. Will it be print only? Will it be electronic? If so, where will it live? However, unless you have a very good reason, I recommend at least having an electronic version available on your website. A print only version will work for most people, but are you prepared to create a braille version for users who may be blind or visually impaired?
Tools exist to make electronic documentation easier for all to access , but print only versions provide a much more difficult accessibility problem. Instead, make an electronic version available on your website as normal website text. A user guide is only great if it helps your customers use your product to the best of their ability. Before your new creation goes out into the world at large, you want to test it. Here are a few tips! As noted above, this gives electronic documentation a huge advantage over print.
However, even print only docs can be updated and made available for download on your website. Be sure that what you give your customers actually helps them use your product. If you remember nothing else, keep in mind that great user documentation should be created, designed, and presented in a way that is most helpful to your users.
Nowadays, user documentation is almost always offered online, which has helped technical writers be more imaginative in how they assist users. Great user documentation should include: Plain language, simplicity, visuals, a focus on the problem, a logical hierarchy and flow, a table of contents, searchable content, accessible content, good design, feedback from real users, and links to further resources.
Great user documentation can be made in four simple steps: First Know your goals and create a plan to achieve them. Next, create your guide based on your plan. Then test out your guide to make sure it does the job before you set it free. Finally, keep it up to date. When your product changes, update your documentation to reflect the changes.
TechSmith Marketing Content Specialist. Science Enthusiast. Retired roller derby coach. On a mission to pet all the dogs. A few things about me Mildly obsessed with the movie Alien, 2. Two pibbles: Biggie and Reo, 3. Friend of ducks everywhere. Skip to content. How end user documentation is part of the customer experience. Who is your audience? Who are you writing this for? An expert welder will understand the terminology about the new torch you are selling, but if you are selling that new torch to hardware stores, the average person off the streets may not have a clue what certain terminology mean.
Here are some ways to make sure you are adapting to your target Audience:. When choosing a writing style for a manual remember to use the same tone throughout the manual.
Also remember what the mood of the audience will be at the time they are reading the manual. Here are some tips to choose a tone:. Since technical manuals are read to inform the reader, the writing must be concise and precise.
Your reader will quickly be looking for answers to a problem, to use the manual for safety or to start up procedures. Guidelines are below:. The structure of your manual is just as important as the concepts that your manual expresses. Ideas and instructions must be easy to find, and easy to execute. When structuring your manual:. Readers need to see actions as well as read about them.
Here are some tips for using photos in your manual:. Now that your manual is properly written it is time to distribute it to your clients. The best ways to distribute manuals are:. From time to time your team may need to update the content of the manuals, this is fine and will show your clients that you are constantly improving your products and services.
Empower your users to create great technical documentation by getting this manifesto posted in your office or workshop. Download Pdf French only. Home Blog 10 Golden Rules to help you create a great user manual. We have 10 Golden Rules to help you create an excellent user manual for your company. Download the best of Userfocus.
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