If it is being used or open, close the file and the application that opened it. For example, if it is a Word document, close Microsoft Word. If the file was opened in an application and subsequently closed , but the program is still running, try quitting the program. Windows will lock a file because the application hasn't yet released it. This is not always Windows fault and can be the fault of the program. DivX files don't get on very well with Windows XP and sometimes renaming the file can trick Windows into releasing it.
Reboot your PC and don't start any programs. Go directly to the file and delete it. Uncheck everything except the file name. This stops Windows XP trying to read the file - this problem affects many video, audio and graphics files. Still no luck? OK, here is the best trick of all. Most sites give you cryptic Windows registry and DOS commands to remove a file, but the answer is so much simpler.
Get a copy of MoveOnBoot or Unlocker both are free these simple tools will allow you to Move, Copy or Delete files before Windows can lock or alter the files. Completely agree. This issue has been going on for years, so I am amazed it is still in existence. I've been dealing with this annoyance for many Windows iterations. The trick that works for me is like this:. All actions are done on the left pane; the folder to be excluded cannot be selected highlighted ; if it was the last open folder, you need to open up another folder before doing these steps so the thumbs file is overwriten by the new one; then repeat the steps.
It takes some use to figure out the how to, but it works. Good luck. I had this happen with a file a few moments ago and it was driving me insane but I quickly found a way to make it work. I could not get it to delete by Right clicking and selecting delete and I couldn't drag it onto the Recycling Bin icon. Instead I did this:. And bingo it was gone, granted this isn't a total fix but dragging it into the Recycling Bin icon and the Recycling Bin Window aren't all too different and it works without changing any settings or anything drastic.
Create any type of file in the folder and then delete. This is what I do when it occurs. You can also just copy any type file and paste into folders to save time.
Until it is fixed I guess we deal with it. I never noticed this problem in my XP machine, I had thumbnails disabled.
MS have messed up here So to re-iterate, copy a. Just did the above and it is the perfect solution. Just for future references for other replies. Many of these questions are in office conditions were you do not have administrator rights.
But it worked - around I've had the same issue this morning with Windows Server Thumbnail generation. You have my undying gratitude for figuring this problem out. I've been looking for a solution literally for years, and this solution works reliably every time. Now you should be able to delete the file thumb.
Office Office Exchange Server. Not an IT pro? Windows Client. Sign in. United States English. Ask a question. Quick access. Search related threads. Remove From My Forums. Answered by:. Archived Forums. Windows 7 Miscellaneous. Use this forum to discuss miscellaneous issues that cannot be covered in any other Windows 7 forum. Sign in to vote. Monday, January 28, PM. Monday, April 29, PM. Hi, Please try Disable the generation of thumbs. Tuesday, January 29, AM. Thanks Juke. That way I wouldn't have to do it manually on every machine, and any new machines would always get the setting.
I'm using Server mostly to set my GPOs but do have access to a domain controller if the setting only exists in the newer Server version. Tuesday, January 29, PM. Hi, Yes, you may set this policy on Domain Controller. Wednesday, January 30, AM. Wednesday, January 30, PM. Disabling thumbnails is not a solution. It's a bad workaround for a bug that has existed for way too long. I like thumbnails but I also like deleting directories that at one time contained thumbnails.
As a user, I should be able to do both. Is there a solution for this bug? Thursday, March 14, AM. Very nice. Added jpg to folder. Size of thumb didn't change from 20kb. Tried to delete and it wouldn't. Tried to delete it and it did! Deleted directory including jpg and it also went! Very much appreciated. Tuesday, September 3, PM. Where if the fix for this Microsoft?????? Friday, September 6, AM. I tried this formula, it doesn't work for me!!! This is hateful.
Once done, the thumbs. And now you can delete the folder. Balaji Kundalam. That's not really an answer, that's a workaround. Could you imagine telling an entire company of people "you may have to run Disk Cleanup before you delete a folder". Friday, September 6, PM. Thank you! Works great. If you connect this catalog to a different host for windows7 or linux is on them is not a problem, all nodes are removed and empty directories remain only on a PC with windows xp.
Version v0. The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:. Are you saying this process is Syncthing itself? I don't see how that could be we would run into the same issue on other Windowses then I expect , and we don't really use any file or directory locking anywhere Sorry, something went wrong. I use the translator.
I had a hunch and it was confirmed. It sounds to me like you have something else interfering here. Perhaps antivirus that looks into each directory whenever syncthing does something there, causing it to be locked? I don't see a bug here, sorry. Regardless, XP is 14 years old. I don't think we should invest effort to support a 14 year old OS which is no longer supported by the producer. If you feel like going on an adventure, produce a small test Go program which reproduces the problem.
I think the issue will be with creating files, directories, using os. Walk, deleting files and then trying to delete directories. This is also a duplicate of It even seems 32 bit specific if the OP analysis is correct.