Backwards messages on records, subliminal messages in movies, the eleven herbs n spices in Kentucky Fried Chicken, government hiding places in case of nuclear attack, and so much more. Was the reason this phrase was once uttered in my childhood home: "Mom, can you drive me to the library? I need to get a book about shortwave numbers stations. Oct 04, Gary rated it it was amazing.
Facts about various subjects that you may have wondered about or find interesting. Jul 28, Carol Waters rated it liked it. This is one of those books to leave in the bathroom for a little interim reading. Nothing terribly useful, but now I have a new code that I can actually remember. Apr 30, Steve Rincon added it. Great book. Some of the stuff, like the numbers stations, is very creepy. Sep 03, Phil rated it it was amazing.
I first encountered this book while in college during the early 90's. Back then, many of the "secrets" revealed in this book seemed nearly clandestine; today, the information therein is hardly shocking. Nevertheless, it makes for a fun read. The section on how to beat several popular tests e. I keep this book on my bedside book shelves, just in case I want some easy, interesting, and nostalgic reading before going to sleep.
Dec 28, Shane Moore rated it liked it Shelves: non-fiction , male-author. In these days of the internet, few secrets are still very secret, but this collection of obscure knowledge was still pretty interesting.
My favorite parts were the detailed investigations into questions without clear answers, specifically the historical recipes for things like Coca-Cola and perfumes.
The funniest bit was the revelation that chemical analysis revealed that rather than 11 secret herbs and spices KFC fried chicken was spiced with salt, pepper, and no measurable quantities of any ot In these days of the internet, few secrets are still very secret, but this collection of obscure knowledge was still pretty interesting.
The funniest bit was the revelation that chemical analysis revealed that rather than 11 secret herbs and spices KFC fried chicken was spiced with salt, pepper, and no measurable quantities of any other spices. Jan 29, Rich Meyer rated it it was amazing Shelves: read-in The first volume in William Poundstone's fun series of Big Secrets is still a fun read, even after all this time.
Some of the technology-associated "secrets" in all three books are somewhat like fossils now, since these were written long before cell phones and smartphones, but there are a lot of interesting tidbits and strangeness to be perused. This one's great if you want to pull pranks on Masons, and has a lot of interesting info on secret radio stations and the like. An always interesting re The first volume in William Poundstone's fun series of Big Secrets is still a fun read, even after all this time.
An always interesting read. Aug 16, c5 rated it really liked it. My rating represents how much I liked this book as a kid. I guess this type of book wouldn't have quite the same effect now that we have the Internet. Apr 15, Barry Simiana rated it really liked it Recommends it for: Anyone who is a stickybeak. I love these books there's 4 or more.
Had the set and then had them pinched. Recently replaced them and re-reading again. Still love them. Jan 26, Victoria rated it it was amazing. Read this wayyy back in the early '90s. Sep 01, George Scully rated it really liked it. Read this as a teen. The information was cutting edge in the early eighties - today, not so much. That being said, I loved it. Oct 23, Don Gubler rated it it was ok Shelves: improvement. Blake rated it it was amazing Jun 29, Brad rated it really liked it Oct 17, Tom Kanach rated it it was amazing Jun 30, Stewart pdf.
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Free shipping for many products! Big Little Lies is a novel written by Liane Moriarty. It was published in July by Penguin Publishing. Jane, a single mother, is on her way to Pirriwee Public School in Sydney 's Big secrets book Beaches, where her son Ziggy is starting kindergarten. On the way, she. Are there really secret backward messages in rock music, or is somebody nuts. We tested suspect tunes at a recording studio to find out.
What goes on at Freemason initiations. Here's the whole story, including -- yes. Series reading order, cover art, synopsis, sequels, reviews, awards, publishing history, genres, and time period.
Eifrig takes an in-depth look at six loopholes that will help you save and even earn money in your retirement. Sure, it's great that "Bigger Secrets" was the first to publish the true recipe for Antoine's Oysters Rockefeller parsley, olive oil, and capers are the main ingredients -- no spinach! Big book of retirement secrets, Guide to wireless communications 3rd edition pdf, David Eifrig Jr.
David Eifrig Jr. The uncensored truth about all sorts of stuff you are never supposed to know. I had to keep big secrets. Before his book could be published, William Morgan was dragged away by a group of Masons, never to be seen again. In the early morning hours of September.
Basically, the Big Idea book is a combination of the academic, narrative nonfiction, Worldview, and how-to genres. Thank you for your : Penguin Publishing Group. Bristol Palin on.