It was a great idea though. Thank you for your efforts. Have you considered re-installing vista on a fresh format? That might be the only other way of fixing the problem! Make sure that Allow only bitmapped wallpaper in the right pane is set as Not configured. You can see how using the same instructions for this in the tutorial as well. If nothing else works, I guess my first thought would be a root-kit, which are damned hard to detect, and even harder to remove, even the best AV software might miss them, in which case your only option is to format the hard drive and reinstall vista, hopefully the above options work!
Also a friendly word of advise, you should create at least 2 partitions on your HDD, one for Windows, and one for all the rest of the stuff, that way if you do end up loosing Windows you do not loose the rest of your data!
Pls see if Cannot change or display desktop wallpaper in Windows Vista helps you. In one case the desktop background choice disappeared, and the other it came back. But I still could not display the desktop images.
So nothing changed there The choices toward the end I didn't try as I wanted to have the choice to change the wallpaper on a whim. Though I have a feeling they may have worked. I actually took the choice to do a repair install, I have removed Vista sp1 and made a slipstream disk with vista and sp1 and will re-install with that.
However I haven't tried it out and will back up my documents and my e-mail contents first, I have another disk on the computer with xp on, and will copy to there,..
Your ideas are the best that I have seen. I'll let you know how the re-install goes This is one of the first things that I did. I also changed themes and tried it there and also tried it logged in as another person with no change. Thanks though I did a repair install which took about 4 hrs. When I was finished I typed in my product key and I am free and clear! I am having this issue with Vista Business edition.
But, it didn't happen until I had to re-install Vista because of a bunk mouse driver, and now the screen is completely black. You can see the background through the title of the window as AERO is active and has the glass look and I can see the background, through the black, with the window title, but the whol ebackground is BLACK.
Any way to resolve this? Monday, March 24, PM. Tuesday, October 21, PM. Wednesday, October 22, PM. Hi, This desktop background blackness has been 'bugging' me for some time now! Thursday, October 23, PM. Friday, October 24, AM. I had this problem too and my "Remove background images" box was unchecked. Problem solved. Win7 RTM.
Monday, August 31, PM. Hasn't helped me. Same problem on laptop running Vista Home. Tried Bolia solution didn't work since "Remove background images" was already unchecked. A month ago reinstalled Operating System local shop did it. Any suggestions? Sunday, February 21, PM. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. Wednesday, August 4, PM. I wonder how the setting got changed. Thursday, February 2, PM. This worked great , thank you. Hi Ent, No matter what size the image is, whichever of the three choices I pick end up being stretched.
I even resized an image down to x pixels set it to tile and it still stretched to fill the whole screen with just one image. If I change the resolution of my monitor display it just seems to change to degree of stretchiness if that is a word!
The reason I care is that I would like the image to be shown the way it is rather than stretched to fit Much like the options on a wide screen tv that either show a border on either side and normal faces or no borders and wide fat faces to fill the screen.
Thanks again for any ideas! I haven't got the same problem here to be honest I don't want to make the same problem! Still if you open the background in paint, you should be able to edit it. You could manually paint in a border to bring it to the right size for you screen, leaving the original unstretched. As Seen On. Welcome to Tech Support Guy! Latest posts P. Popups Driving me Crazy 3 Viewers Latest: panamahat 2 minutes ago. Windows Apple Mobile Devices. What type of cables are these?
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