The purpose of the casino night to raise charity money but you will get some ideas about who you can arrange a casino night at your home. In the episode, some characters show their skills in gambling and our Dwight Schrute wins a game of dice.
The casino episode from this how is a really unforgettable and turning point of the show. The name of the show is in Sin City so, you would expect to see more gambling and casinos in this TV show.
This is among the longest TV show ever shot in Las Vegas. This show tells the story of an owner of the casino who used to work for the CIA. The show stars big names like James Caan and Josh Duhamel.
This HBO show was, and still, is one of the favorites among casino fans. This is the kind of show that would inspire idiots into trying to rip off Las Vegas casinos. I can only imagine how many people are banned from the Strip or sitting in jail cursing the day they tuned-in to the History Channel at the wrong time and got inspired to make the worst decision of their life.
For some reason, this hotel and casino needs their own in-house doctor that is always on call to deal with the medical needs of both the other employees as well as guests.
Apparently, in the reality that Dr. Vegas exists in, Las Vegas does not have things like hospitals and ambulances, so the casinos just decide to double as a medical facility. One Deals. People get paid to write these shows, and while it may have been canceled, it still made it to air for five episodes before anyone pulled the cord!
This is my office! Get it? Because he lives at the casino, but he works there too! Man, how did I miss out on this show? Casino Cinema was basically a way for Spike TV to air classic films, with a slight twist on the moments coming in and out of commercial breaks.
They would choose a movie that either dealt with gambling or was located in Vegas, then before commercials; the two hosts would pop in to briefly talk to a guest and teach a new casino game. There was zero chemistry between the hosts, they were horrible interviewers when there were guests, and the gambling segments were rushed and dull.
I picked it because technically you could find it in the TV Guide during its place and time, but the actual show is probably six-minutes long. The old movie does all the heavy lifting. But if you ever want to hear a vapid ex-model and former Sopranos co-star stumble through Pai-Gow rules, this is the show for you.
This version received a bit more hype because it was created by Mark Burnett. It featured two primary characters, Thomas Breitling and Tim Poster, two millionaires who made their fortunes in the dot-com boom.
You walk through bland underground tunnels, clock in, do your menial job for a few hours, eat at the most depressing lunch room in the world, and repeat. The show took place in Las Vegas at Caesars Palace, where the main characters worked.
Poker After Dark — 60 min Game-Show 7. Celebrity Poker Showdown — min Game-Show 6. Big Deal — 50 min Comedy, Drama 8. The Casino — 60 min Reality-TV 5. Ying chai chip fook — 60 min Comedy, Drama 8. King of Vegas — Reality-TV 6. Casino Cinema — min Comedy, Talk-Show 3.
Liar Game — 36 min Drama 7. Wanna Bet? Rio: Rainbow Gate — Animation, Comedy 6. Fortuna 45 min Drama 7. Lucky Chances min Drama, Romance 6. Tilt TV Drama 6. Apuesta por un amor — 60 min Romance 7. Donne in gioco — Drama 5. Ana Tramel. El juego — Thriller 6. List Activity Views: 4, in last week Tell Your Friends Share this list:.
Tell us what you think about this feature. Other Lists by sgarciamansilla. However, two characters pursue him afterward and take McCall to Yankton to stand trial again. Like many HBO dramas, Deadwood is another winner. It combines the grittiness of the Wild West with enough interesting storylines to keep the average western fan entertained.
No gambling centered show has lasted as long as Las Vegas. The series is based on the lives and workplace drama of employees at the fictional Montecito Resort and Casino. One of my favorite things about this show is all of the Las Vegas locations that are used. Early episodes were shot at Mandalay Bay and Monte Carlo.
This is the classic story of a grizzled gambler who sees an opportunity to make money off of his younger mentor. Unfortunately, it only lasted a single season. Everest has not only built his reputation based on skill, but also on cheating. Towne then proceeds to set up a high stakes cash game with The Matador in an effort to take him down. Tilt is no doubt worth watching for anybody who wants a TV show dedicated to poker.