This is not the project, but the logic is the same. Thursday, June 26, PM. Please give me exact reproduction steps. Here is the project that reproduces my problem. This is the code I use. If you execute you will see that the user agent is not working on google. The screen is all white. I need Google searches are like the Desktop. I appreciate the help. I see the problem. It appears that when you change the browser string, Google returns some kind of control which doesn't work in Windows Phone IE.
If I type a search query in the textbox, the textbox does searches for matching words and is happy. Have you tested this query string on desktop IE? Wednesday, July 2, PM. No, I'm with the project stopped because of this problem. Do you have any idea to solve? Ask Question.
Asked 7 years, 1 month ago. Active 2 years, 7 months ago. Viewed 3k times. In my webapp I am getting key errors for requests with no user agent. How can I make a request with no user agent to debug and test this? Improve this question. Add a comment. So, in my opinion, there's not really a valid technical reason to block them.
In theory, someone who "really cares about privacy" could do this. It depends on what service you're providing. I run a couple of websites. People not using browsers are not my clients.
While it's true that it's trivial for a developer of malicious bots to add a user agent fake one like Chrome , it doesn't mean it's not illegitimate in intention. From my personal experience : I have only one type of request without user agent in my apache log :. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams? Collectives on Stack Overflow. Learn more. Ask Question. Asked 7 years, 7 months ago. Active 3 months ago.
Viewed 21k times. The user still has an active mapping. Mapping is deleted on the firewall. Resolution When the user logs back into the domain, the user mapping will update automatically and the username will appear in the Palo Alto Networks firewall logs.
If users remain 'stationary' using the same IP address most of the day the User Identification Timeout can also be increased to several hours or even a full workday Note: If WMI probing is not used, then increase the user identification timeout to minutes either on the firewall or User ID Agent.