First time filmmaker Ward Serrill has really created a wonderfully emotional film. The Heart of the Game, truly has heart and it beats hard throughout the movie.
Serrill filmed a girl's basketball team for 7 years; he recorded a total of around hrs. The movie turned out to be mins. As the team competes in games you really start to get into it and begin to root for them in your head. You don't know if they're going to win or lose; when they lose you feel disappointed, when they win you feel relieved. This film just grabs you mentally and it feels like you're watching it live.
I felt for the players, felt for the struggle of Darnellia Russell, central character. The film was even humorous at times. The coach, Bill Resler, was a unique character and enjoyable to watch. You really get interested in the narrative and really want to see what will be the out come of this team and it's players. I remember being amazed that it was a documentary; it could have been a storyline for a movie.
It's an intense emotional film and it holds and keeps you until the credits run up the screen. There wasn't much negatives to the film, except like in many films, the movie wasn't as exciting until the middle and then the end.
Of course, the ending of the movie wouldn't have been that great unless you've seen the beginning exposition. It was an enjoyable film, so don't let the impression that it's a usual motivational sports documentary, drive you away. The film will be released in wider theater screenings in the summer and the DVD maybe late I recommend it. Details Edit. It's had ups and downs. Until tonight, I had to stop my self from changing the channel.
It was just overly dramatic, way to short and not enough substance. The writing this season was totally subpar compared to the prior seasons. The show seems to be moving more towards a bad daytime Soap Opera.
While acting on this show has grown in spite of the script. There is a foul stench of reality TV starting to seep in. Mara Brock Akil and Kelsey Grammar need to take a look how the show was originally produced and try to find a happy harmony between the and now. Salim Akil should take notes from his directing from season two.
It feels like the show as a hold has lost its true direction. Most of us fell in love with this show because of the subtle insight into the lives of Pro Football players and their families, friends, and franchise.
The Sabers were becoming one of America's teams. They were replacing the new Cowboys for me. California hasn't had a winner like this since Joe Montana and the 49ers. We didn't want the show to become a blend of "T. The writers should be afraid for there jobs. Tasha Mack was a hopeless shell of her former self since the old series finale Season 3 Finale. When did Derwin Davis become the sneakiest back stabbing character. They have given him sort of multiple personality complex thing going.
Is Derwin and Jason the same character now? Darnellia In Gym Get this album or track at:. Wolf Pack Locker Room Get this album or track at:. Loss To Kangs Get this album or track at:. Emily On Court Get this album or track at:.
Devon Feels The Pain Get this album or track at:. Resler's Home Get this album or track at:. Bulldogs Get this album or track at:. Darnellia At Home Get this album or track at:. Weight Room Get this album or track at:. Darnellia's Fall Get this album or track at:. The one issue she has to conquer is, believing in how smart she is. Resler names each of his Roughrider teams. He takes them to state finals Darnellia's sophomore and junior year; then she gets pregnant by the boy she's been dating since ninth grade.
She drops out to have the baby. Her mother and grandmother support her, and she applies to return for a senior year. That's when the WIAA steps in and sues to prevent her from playing again, threatening the Roughriders with forfeiting every game. The team votes to play anyway. It's here that the film's politics become fascinating. The interscholastic association's bylaws allow exceptions in the cases of "hardships," but the WIAA says pregnancy is not a hardship: "She made her own choice.
But Seattle lawyer Kenyon E. Luce volunteers to represent Darnellia in court, and wins. The WIAA appeals. His argument is that since male players are not punished when they're responsible for a pregnancy, it is discriminatory to penalize a pregnant woman. She chose to have her baby.
If she had chosen to have an abortion, she could have played next season, no questions asked. It is here that the values of the talk show callers get confused. They apparently believe Darnellia should have the baby, but be penalized for having it.