His name is mentioned numerous times. Stan even refers to his inclusion in the game when swinging around, commenting that this is his "best cameo ever.
If you swing around for a bit, you should be able to find a pawn shop fairly easily. You'll unlock the cross-species Spider-Man suit once you beat the game on any difficulty setting.
Register any of the game's DLC including any pre-order code you may have received and you'll unlock this suit in Peter's apartment. As the game begins, you'll have this suit. Head to Peter's apartment and check for alternate costumes. The original suit will be waiting in the closet.
Once you have the camera, head to the center of Central Park, near the bridge. Positioned under the bridge, you'll find a red spider. When you snap its picture, you'll unlock the corresponding costume, available in Peter's apartment. Last Edited: 7 Mar pm. Was this guide helpful? YES NO. Get above him and execute a stealth takedown. Get on the elevator to finish the level. When you exit the building, just be careful that you don't get shot. There will be Snipers outside gunning for you but you don't really need to take them out, you can just take off.
From this point on, Snipers will appear randomly on rooftops throughout the city. Make your way back to your apartment. Make your way into the West Pumping Station and swing through the sewers. Walking in the water will slow you down so it's much better to swing. You'll come to a large open room with water falling all over. On the right side of the room will be a large valve handle. Use your Web Rush on it to open the door at the far end.
The door will open and Vermin will hiss at you or something. The door will close. Use the handle again and then Web Rush through the door before it can close again. On the other side, follow the tunnel and you will see a room on the right side. There will be maps around the room and against the wall will be a collapsed column. On this column will be a?
Head back into the tunnel which will take you to a large room. Move from strand to strand and stop when you find on that vibrates or makes a sound.
This is the direction you want to go. The first place to go is room 44 so turn towards that one so you understand what the web does when you find the right one. Go to that room and you'll see Vermin again. He'll bolt and you'll be attacked by your first? Infected can't be taken out like normal enemies. They can only be taken down with webbing. You have to trap them while they are stunned or use a signature move to take them out.
Just keep pounding on this one until you've built your combo meter high enough that you can perform a Signature Move and then use it to finish the fight. Turn to the right and go over the wall. You'll come to a room with lots of acid on the floor and a single red pipe over it. Go onto the pipe and find the? Head back to the hub room and use your webbing again to find Vermin.
This time, head for room number Go into that room and then climb up the wall to the small hole. Climb through there and into another room. This time, you'll fight several infected.
This is where you learn how useful the environment is against the infected. There's plenty of items around here to throw so grab one and throw it.
This should instantly stun any infected around. Run around and web them. Repeat this until the fight is over. Hop up onto the ceiling and wander around this room until you find an opening to a giant room heading down. There will be two infected right next to it that you can catch with a stealth takedown which is why you're on the ceiling.
Take them down and hop into the hole. Once in the hole, swing to the right and then go up in the next room. This will bring you to another tunnel with some acid which will lead back to the hub room. This time, you're looking for room Swing through the acid hallway and it will bring you to a long room with a few infected in it.
There will be some infected hunched in the far corner by the half-wall. In this corner will be a? Take down the infected in this room, grab the magazine and go over the wall.
This will put you in a two floor room. Pull yourself up to the ceiling and try to take down the infected on this upper level with stealth takedowns. If you catch their attention, remember that there's plenty of things to throw around up here including dumpsters and propane tanks. Follow the only path on this upper level and over a half-wall. This tunnel will bring you to another room leading down but your attention will be drawn to some waste behind a fence to your left with a nearby Oscorp logo.
Take a the Oscorp Logo. Go to the bottom and through the doorway here. You'll be in a room with a valve on the right wall and a big wall in front of you. There will be a red pipe on the left side that you can use to get through the wall. Follow the pipe and then look up and right to find another red pipe. Hop up to that and you'll be able to see a large door ahead of you. This is the door the valve opens BUT don't go back yet.
Above that door is a ledge with a Sentry in really bad shape. Hop over to that ledge, back up a little and take a the Sentry. Now head back and turn the valve. Use Web Rush to get back to the door quickly. In the next room, find and go through the vent. This will bring you to a room where you'll see Vermin again and one infected.
Vermin will run off, leaving you with the Infected. Take him out with the dumpsters here. Go through the nearby door. You'll come to a hallway with acid all over the walls and floor. The tunnel will go forward and there will be a split to the right. Try to get into that right split and on a broken column will be a? Follow the other path to come to a similar one to the previous room.
This time, there will be two infected. Take them out the same way as you did last time. Turn to the right and you'll see another tunnel below. Enter the tunnel but stay up high. Follow the red pipes until you come to a wall with a doorway below. Climb down the wall and through the door OR use two web rushes. Once toward the floor and then another upward away from it before you hit the floor. The Infected should never notice.
Follow the tunnel around until it turns back to the right and shrinks a little. Go into the smaller tunnel. Look straight up and you will say a grate with a hole in it. Go through the grate and keep heading up until you come to a ledge with a? Head back down and follow the smaller tunnel. The tunnel will turn left and you'll have to jump over a small railing. On the left will be a? Take a it. Also, notice the "Beenox" spray painted on the left side of the hut which is the name of the company that makes the game just a neat easter egg.
Continue along the tunnel and then Web Rush to the next red pipe that you see. This will put you in a similar large tunnel as before with infected below. Move through it the same way that you did before and when you get to the end, you'll see Vermin far up above you. Follow him up. Go through the room at the top and drop into the large hole at the end. You'll enter a small tunnel that will take you to a large square room where you'll find Vermin. It's time for a smackdown. Vermin has a few simple attacks.
He'll rush at you or spit acid at you which you need to avoid manually by using Web Retreat. He also has claw swipe attacks which can be evaded with the dodge button. If it says "Multiple Dodge" or similar, keep tapping the dodge button quickly until it disappears to dodge all of his attacks.
His last real attack is easily avoided if you keep moving. He'll hop up into the acid on the ceiling and then come out above you but if you keep moving he'll miss by a lot. To attack him, just use your Web Rush to attack him from a distance, then pound on him. Dodge or retreat as necessary. Just keep doing this and he'll come down quickly. However, your fight will soon be interrupted by two Sentries. These sentries will shoot at you if you are on the walls and pack shields.
To take the shields down temporarily, shoot web at them and then attack them like any other sentry. However, this will be only temporary. The only way to remove it permanently is through an upgrade you can get later on.
After taking out the sentries, you'll head back up to NYC. You'll see a bunch of rats running through the streets ahead of you. Follow this trail of rats to find Vermin again. You'll find him and follow him into another tunnel.
Follow him further into the tunnel and you'll come to another hub. Unfortunately, ther are no numbers this time so I can't really tell you which tunnel to take which is why I insisted that you learn how to hunt yourself. However, in this room, you should see that one path is a small round tunnel a little ways off the ground. Go through that tunnel and fall down the shaft.
At the bottom, web shoot the giant fan and grab the? Stop the fan again, Web Shoot up the shaft and return to the hub room. From the hub, you want to head towards the broken wall that has the yellow spray paint above it.
Go through the hole and up to the top level. There will be a few Infected fighting Sentries in here. You can usually take out a couple of enemies with a stealth takedown here and then finish the two or so stragglers with easy. I would recommend that one of the two enemies you take out first would be the sentry now that they have shields.
You can also just crawl through here without fight if you'd like. Get through this tunnel however you like. Go through the room with broken train and shipping crates. Go over the half-wall and then the tunnel will turn downard. Go down and then at the end, go through the small doorway on the right side. This will take you back to the Hub. Your next destination is the raised hallway just to the left of the small round elevated tunnel that lead to the Magazine earlier.
Follow it past the "Cola" sign. You can fight the various enemies on the top and bottom floor if you like. Remember to make good use of the environment here. Go down to the bottom level and notice the train here. If you stand on the small white square, you can pull the train towards you and then get behind it for a? Go behind the fence and follow the room as it wraps to the left.
It will come to a dead end but if you turn around, you should see a shipping containers with a small hole near the top. Crawl through this hole to get to the next room. You'll find yourself in another room with fighting sentries and infected. Make your way to the larger section of the room with the acid and large blue dumpster. Just behind the dumpster will be another? Defeat or go past the enemies here and into the brick tunnel beyond.
There will be another crawl space near the ceiling. Get up to it and crawl through but be careful to avoid the acid. This tunnel will take you to Vermin. For the most part, this fight isn't much different from the previous fight. The big new feature of this fight are the rats.
If you stand in one spot for too long, the rats will pool around your feet and start dealing damage. This means that you need to keep moving and use Web Retreat if they start to pool. After that, this fight is very similar and only requires you to use the same strategies as before. Don't be surprised if the rats cause this fight to drag out a little longer. You'll be dragged back up to the city. You'll have to fight a hunter which is a very fast moving robot that flies through the air.
You'll have to close in on the Hunter and use a Web Strike on him to deal damage. After you've dealt damage this way, the Hunter will take off again. When you get close to it this second time, it will activate an electric bomb with it at the center. First it will charge up and deal a little bit of damage as long as you are in the field and then it will release the energy for massive damage.
You can die from both parts of this attack though the second stage is far more deadly so it's important that you escape as soon as it happens.
I highly recommend that you use Web Rush instead of Web Retreat because it's very easy to keep bumping into buildings with Web Rush and not make it far enough away. After it uses that Electric Bomb, you will be able to get close and use a Web Strike.
After the Web Strike, when you get close it will use the Electric Bomb and this cycle will continue until it's defeated. It also has a plasma ball attack. It will shoot little balls of energy at you very quickly. You can definitely dodge these but you likely won't have to put too much effort into dodging as long as you keep moving. To get close, you have to techniques to your advantage. The first are your web shooters. This will slow him down significantly but is unnecessary and for this fight not recommended.
You also need to use Web Rush instead of swinging because it's much faster. There's an achievement for defeating a Hunter without using Web Shooters so we're going to try that. Just keep hitting the Web Rush button until you execute a Web Strike on him instead.
Once you do, get close and make him trigger his electric bomb. Escape the bomb and then continue your chase. One thing to keep in mind is that when you use Web Rush this much during a Hunter battle, it's important to move left and right as much as possible since your elevation isn't going to change much and you can easily accidentally move in a straight line for a long period.
Once the hunter goes down, two more will appear. In some ways, this is actually easier than the first Hunter because you can move between them quite easily with the Web Rush. Just pursue them and you'll find that you are almost constantly chasing and using Web Strike on each of them while the other is trying to use its bomb attack.
When you get past the first Hunter, you'll actually reach a checkpoint so if you die, it's ok. Just keep trying and once you get the hang of it, you'll find that Hunters are quite easy and even kind of fun. Head to Oscorp Tower again and make your way inside. There's a few Hazmat guards in here. Just crawl around on the ceiling and they should be quite easy to take down. The only trouble is a group of them on one side of the room, You'll need to wait until one of them leaves to get the other two OR take down and fight the third.
Near the front desk will be a broken window on the left side. Go through that window to get to the next room. In this room, you'll find more hazmat guards and a guard with a shield. Unfortunately, there's not really a whole lot to work with in here so I would focus on the guard with shield first.
Use the Surprise Attack by jumping over him and hitting from behind. Take him out and then the other two should be no problem. When they are all down, destroy the object that's powering the force fields.
Go into the next room with the glass floor. There's quite a few enemies in this room but only one of them has a shield so I would take him out with a stealth takedown before anyone else to make it a much easier fight. At this point, just use the Web Rush Combo Technique to make short work of them. Gwen will send an elevator down to you after the fight. Hop on top of the elevator and Web Rush up the shaft.
There will be a hole near the top that leads to another very similar room. Take out the guard right by the elevator first, then the guard crossing the middle of the room. Head over to the one inspecting the acid on the side of the room. Another Elevator will come in on the other side of the room. Before you leave, check the reception desk for a Magazine. Stand on top of the new elevator and make your way up the shaft. At the top, enter the vent. Crawl through the vent.
The vent will open up a little to the sides so watch on the left for a Metal Box and just before you leave this area will be another Metal Box tucked in a corner to the right. When you exit the vent, you'll come to a round room. There will be two forcefields and behind each of them will be a generator. You'll need to grab the sentries that are coming through and throw them at the generators. Hold the Web Shoot button to grab the sentry and then push the analog stick in the direction that you want it to go.
When both have been destroyed, there will be a cutscene and you'll have to face off against two green guys with chain guns. Instantly Web Retreat and then crawl around the ceiling behind the lights. Nab both of them in a stealth takedown.
After you take them both out, a door will open on the bottom floor. Just to the right of that door will be a Magazine. Grab it and go through the door. In the next room, you'll find a turret mounted to the wall. Destroy it and then check the sides of the room to find a Metal Box. Climb up to the raised area and on the right desk will be a Magazine. Grab that and then go through the door under where the turret was. In the next room, head left and through the hallway.
This will bring you back to a fimilar triangular room. Head left again as you did at the beginning with Gwen. The room is a little more perilous this time. On the right wall will be a turret. Take that out and then activate the terminal to unlock the door on the other side of the room.
Web Rush through the hole in the laser net and try to take out the turret on the left side of the room. Side Quest Why won't chapter 13 load? Tech Support More Questions ». Keep me logged in on this device. Forgot your username or password? Amazing spiderman xbox stan lee for rhino dlc? Water Treatment Facility level glitch? Main Quest. How do I play as Stan lee? Side Quest.