Templates in wiki

To fix these issues, you can do the following:. To do that, add the following line in the LocalSettings. September 28, January 7, August 16, May 16, Since it's also a lead designer for many App and games for Android, iOS and Windows Phone mobile devices for a number of italian companies. First, let me thank you for this wonderful tutorial.

I struggled a bit but ended up getting through every step. Once it is, add these two lines to LocalSettings. If it does, make a copy of the export window on Wikipedia and paste it into a text file. Then make smaller sections with less templates and import those. I found that about 1. Note: there may be a setting that would overcome this, but I have no clue what it would be.

Make sure you comment this line out once you get things working. Now, my question for Ryan. How the heck do I get the link to Cite to show up in the WikiEditor? Thank You So Much for this guide!

I scavenged the web and worked for hours and nothing was this easy to follow!! Thanks again!! Forums Help desk forum Watercooler forum Requested Templates forum. Explore Wikis Community Central. Register Don't have an account? View source. History Talk Welcome to Templates Wiki. Add your computer wiki to this footer! Many templates also feature parameters. Think of these like variables. Different pages can use the same template with different values for each parameter.

Depending on the template, this can alter the template's text or the way the template is designed. Let's take Template:Wikipedia as an example. This template is designed for pages that use content from a Wikipedia page; it creates a box with a link to the Wikipedia page.

However, if the two page names are different, we can use a parameter to alter the link. VisualEditor provides options for setting parameter values when adding a template or clicking on it in the editor. To learn more, see Help:Template parameters. This process is called transclusion. A different way to use a template is to substitute its content into the page. Once the page is saved, the link to the template is replaced by the template's output.

Editing the template will not update the content that was substituted into the page. Think of substitution like a cookie-cutter: if you use a cookie cutter to make a few cookies and then change the shape of the cookie cutter, the cookies you already made will not change their shape. To learn more, see Help:Substituting templates. This saves editors the hassle of duplicating the same text again and again, and also helps ensure consistency.

Templates are generally shown with the format required to use the template e. Clicking the template name takes you to the template's page, where you can see what it looks like and how it is used. Detailed instructions on the usage of each template should exist on either the template page itself inside "noinclude" tags or the template's talk page. For more information on templates, see w:Help:Templates.


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