Not unless you have an awesome host. Originally Posted by Nethrak. Just to point a few things out, the guy didn't build the maps. He wrote a program to extract the maps from WoW and convert it into a minecraft map. He said it took a total of 24 hours to convert them. Ah I see. Originally Posted by Sdyess. Now someone need to make a Plugin for Npc quests. K Downloads Updated Created. Move Ui elements and change some settings Download.
The Crafting Azeroth project is a full-scale reproduction of the World of Warcraft environment for Minecraft. The process is heavily automated, assisted by custom software that I have developed. Land Structure Map. Having taken over 3 months of an average hours a day, I can finally unveil this! The work so far spans over kilometres of Azeroth, comprising over 68 billion blocks. Relax; he hasn't done it all by hand. He has created software that converts the maps into a voxel grid without the need of human intervention.
But he still had to individually select the textures to create the world, a process that he said took many hours. The result is a playable World of Warcraft environment.