Any link to or advocacy of virus, spyware, malware, or phishing sites. Any other inappropriate content or behavior as defined by the Terms of Use or Code of Conduct. Any image, link, or discussion related to child pornography, child nudity, or other child abuse or exploitation.
Details required : characters remaining Cancel Submit 2 people found this reply helpful. Was this reply helpful? Yes No. Sorry this didn't help. Thanks for your feedback. I join Stefan's recommendation of that page. When changing section settings on a document of this importance, make regular backups and keep at least three of them in different locations.
Do not work with a flash drive from within Word. I have the same question 0. Report abuse. Select the page number and press Delete. Choose the scenario that most closely matches what you want to do:. You don't want a page number to appear on your title page, but you want the second page to show "Page 2. Select the page number to highlight it and press Delete. Select Options on the right side, and then select Different First Page.
Select Options again, and then select Remove Page Numbers. For more info on page numbers, see Page numbering in Word. Designed for single-sided print or viewed online. Designed for double-sided print.
Select Different First Page. Choose the scenario that most closely matches what you want to do: You don't want a page number to appear on your title page, but you want the second page to show "Page 2. Switch to Home tab in Word, find the Numbering button.
You can either click it directly or click the small arrow to expand the menu, and choose a numbering format in the list. Then the button will turn grey. After that, you can input the content in the document, and each paragraph will be added a sequence number automatically.
Or you can select existing paragraphs and hit Numbering button to add sequence numbers to them. Sometimes the spaces between the sequence numbers and the text are various in different paragraphs. If you want to change or unify them, you can select the number list you want to adjust and right-click it, then choose Adjust List Indents… in the menu.
Make changes to the setting in the popping out window. You may also encounter a problem that the number list becomes discontinuous after deleting or modifying something. For this situation, you just need to select these paragraphs with sequence numbers, and click the arrow beside Numbering to choose a template again.
Click the arrow beside Numbering to expand the menu and select Define New Number Format… at the bottom.