There's a one-hour time limit for virtual machine sandboxes. Once the sandbox expires, you can activate a new sandbox and start the module over. Progress can take a few seconds to register in our system, so it might look like it isn't registered right away.
Try refreshing the page after a few seconds. This issue primarily occurs when using Internet Explorer to view profiles. Try again with a different browser. Confirm your location in the folder structure within the module is the correct location for your commands.
We're working on improvements to the modules. When this message is disabled, you can use the sandbox in this module again. Open the Console in your browser, which is normally able to opened by pressing F In the Console window, retry your registration. If it continues to fail, take a screenshot of any error shown in the Console window. Please follow these steps: 1. Log into your existing profile 2. Navigate to the profile page 3. Click the Settings tab 4. Sign in with the account you are linking to complete If you receive a message saying "You are about to merge these two profiles", it means the account you're linking has already registered a profile.
Initial response time is based on the severity levels described above. Severity A is available only for technical support. For billing and subscription management support, the highest severity level is B. Assisted support options are for admins of Office subscribed organizations only. If you use Office but you're not an admin, you can still get support in the community forums, or by contacting your admin. Call support. If you encounter any problem with online request, phone support is available at 86 Equally important is the critical role that the customer's IT department plays in the support of its users.
People with administrator roles are the only ones in the customer's organization authorized to access the Admin section of the Office operated by 21Vianet portal and to communicate directly with 21Vianet about Office service requests. With Office you can designate several types of administrators who serve different functions.
This service description uses the generic title administrator to refer to all categories of administrators. For more information about the types of administrator roles, see Assign admin roles in Microsoft for business. The administrator is expected to provide initial assistance for the customer's users.
However, if the administrator is unable to resolve issues with the help of self-service support resources, he or she should Contact support. To view feature availability across Office plans, see Office Service Description. Find docs and training link page Employee quick setup article Overview of Microsoft Business Premium setup video.
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Any additional feedback? Watch: Get help or support. Important You must be an admin for a business subscription to use these support methods.
Note If you bought your subscription through a partner, you first see the contact information for that partner. Windows updates will help you manage your time, increase security, and get more creative with Windows Contact us.
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